Welcome to the Social Anxiety Academy!
"Dr. DiVerniero's interpersonal communication classes genuinely helped me to understand and conquer my nervousness and social anxiety...her classes are organized, easy to understand, and engaging."
Meredith Testimonial
Meredith was a student of Dr. DiVerniero's at Christopher Newport University between 2010-2012
Miklo Testimonial
Miklo was a student of Dr. DiVerniero's at the University of Nevada - Las Vegas from 2018-2020
Valerie Testimonial
Valerie was a student of Dr. DiVerniero's at Dixie State University between 2013-2016
Your Instructor
My name is Rebecca DiVerniero, Ph.D.
I've struggled with social anxiety my entire life. However, studying Interpersonal Communication has helped me improve my social skills, as well as understand how to socialize in a way that's comfortable for me. The Social Anxiety Academy includes my social scientifically backed advice for improving your life and managing your social anxiety more effectively.
About Social Anxiety Academy
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